Indian Railways (Indische Bahnen)
Zusammenarbeit mit: Integral Coach Factory (ICF, I.C.F.) (1952)
wird erwähnt: For better travel.... Integral Coach Factory - Perambur, Sign.: E Bro 80
wird erwähnt: Indian Railways. One hundred years 1853 to 1953, Sign.: EBG 25
Herausgeber, wird erwähnt: Vibrant edifice. The Saga of Howrah Station. Howrah Station Centenery Celebrations 1905 - 2005, Sign.: EAB 49
wird erwähnt: Report on the Integral Coach Factory (Perambur - Madras-23). Established under the Technical Aid Agreement between the Government of India (Indian Railways) and the Swiss Car and Elevator Mfg. Corpn. Ltd., Schlieren-Zurich, Switzerland [ICF], Autor/in: Braem, W.J., Sign.: VA-58183 (-> Infodesk)
wird erwähnt: Mountain Railways. Comprising the Following Papers: 1.) The St. Gothard Mountain Railway and the Stanzerhorn Cable-Railway, 2.) The Monistrol-Montserrat Rack-Railway, 3.) The Usui Mountain Railway, Japan; With Abstract of the Discussion upon the Papers, Autor/in: Johnson Berg, Sigvard; Co-Autor/in: Collett, Alfred/Whately Pownall, Charles Assheton, S., Abb.: Plate 2, Sign.: EBG 99
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