Dampfschiff DS Esmeralda (Panzerkreuzer der Marine von Chile)
Modell 20. Jh.; Vorbild 1896Description
Panzerkreuzer Esmeralda, Chile 1896 Bauwerft: Armstrong & Co., Elswick, England Einsatz: bis 1927 (Umbau 1910) Verdrängung: 7000 BRT Länge: 133 m Antrieb: 2 Dampfmaschinen (Dreifach-Expansion) 11 900 kWi (16 000 PSi) 2 Schrauben Geschwindigkeit: 43 km/h (23 Knoten) Bauart: Panzerung mit 15-cm-Stahlplatten Bewaffnung: 2 Geschütze 20 cm, 16 Geschütze 15 cm, 3 Torpedorohre, mitgeführtes Torpedoboot Besatzung: 500 Mann Massstab: 1:48 Geschenk: Stadt Luzern, BaudirektionSignature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Beschriftung: "Esmeralda"Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Territorium: Kap Hoorn, Chile, SüdamerikaMaterial / Technique
Blockmodell, Holz; Beschläge Messing, Beschläge Messing, teilweise versilbertDimensions
300 x 50 x 100 cm ca. 30 kgInventory number
Builder’s models
A centuries-old practice in shipbuilding has been the construction of models as display and study objects. These models are known as builder’s models and they are generally constructed in minute detail, for the modelmaker has all the building plans at his disposal. In the office the shipping companies or the dockyard sale-rooms these models testify to the size, importance and works capacity of the firms concerned.
Builder’s models were usually built to a standard scale: 1:48 in England, 1:50 in France. This tradition, however, became obsolete in the twentieth century when ships increased enormously in size. Today, the scale used for these models is 1:100, 1:150 or even smaller.
The style of the models changed also in the course of time. So, for example, we find the warship models at the turn of the century showing a fantasy colour scheme very different from that of the prototypes: the guns and the metal fittings are gold- an silver-plated, the wooden parts often simply lacquered instead of being given a coat of paint. This kind of finish gave the models a luxurious appearance and at the same time made it easy to recognize the arrangement and kind of armament.
Technical data
Main colour
schwarz, braunNumber of crew
500Gross registered tonnage [GRT]
• Vehicles
Fighting Ships. With a Special Chapter on the Progress of Marine Engineering, Autor/in: Jane, Fred T.; Co-Autor/in: De Grave Sells, Charles, S., Abb.: S. 481, Sign.: ZW 52