Elektrolok Ae 4/4 (BB), Nr. 251, der BLS Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Bahn
zwischen 1956 - 1959; Vorbild: 1944 - 1956Persons
Elektrolok Ae 4/4 (BB), Nr. 251, der BLS Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Bahn.Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Territorium: Bern - Lötschberg - Brig (Kanton Bern, Kanton Wallis), VorbildMaterial / Technique
Metall, Holz, Plastik, PlexiglasDimensions
ca. 157 x 31 x 60 cm ca. 40 kgInventory number
Electric locomotive Ae 4/4 No 251
Berne – Lötschberg – Simplon BLS 1944 1:10 scale model
The first modern electric locomotive
This locomotive of BLS, which was still delivered during World War II, can be considered as the forerunner of the principles still used today for the construction of high-performance locomotives. The body is self-supporting. It rests on two double-axed bogies. The motors are integrated into the bogies and fully sprung. They power all four axles.
Technical data
Main colour
braun (gelb, grau, schwarz, rot, grün)Systematics
• Electric locomotives
Elektrische Triebfahrzeuge, Autor/in: Sachs, Karl, Sign.: E.R 835
Neueste Entwicklung der elektrischen Triebfahrzeuge, insbesondere der Lokomotiven, bei den schweizerischen Hauptbahnen [SBB, RhB, BLS, FO], Autor/in: Bodmer, C.; Co-Autor/in: Borgeaud, G./Meyer, A., Sign.: E Bro 166