Flugfähiger Nachbau des Normal-Segelapparates Nr. 11 von Otto Lilienthal 1894
1991; Original: 1894Persons
Flugfähiger Nachbau des Normal-Segelapparates Nr. 11 von Otto Lilienthal, 1894 - nach Plänen des Deutschen Museums München, in 300 Stunden von Bruno Guhl nachgebaut - wurde anlässlich des Jubiläums <100 Jahre Menschenflug> 1991 mehrmals erfolgreich von Marc Brunner geflogenObject type
Object (three-dimensional)Material / Technique
Holz, StoffDimensions
4.5 x 6.55 x 1.5 m 27 kgInventory number
Airworthy replica of the „Normal-Segelapparat“ No. 11 by Otto Lilienthal, 1894
The first hang glider
The industrialist Otto Lilienthal (1848-1896) built and tested a whole series of gliders with great success. One of them, the “Normal-Segelapparat No. 6“, he even sold to Switzerland in 1895 for 500 Marks.
The aircraft shown here was constructed in 300 hours by former boat-builder and flying instructor Bruno Guhl to plans from the Deutsches Museum in Munich. The 27-kg aircraft was successfully flown a number of times in 1991 by Marc Brunner alias „Palino“ on the occasion of the “100 years of human flight” anniversary. In 1998, Marc Brunner handed over the glider to the Swiss Museum of Transport.
Technical data
Main colour
weissNumber of crew
1Number of passengers
0Type of propulsion
ohne AntriebSystematics
• Model aircraft
• Gliders
Die Segelflugzeug-Geschichten. Die Gleit- und Segelflugzeuge des Deutschen Segelflugmuseums, Autor/in: Selinger, Peter F, Sign.: LFZ 6
20 Kapitel frühe Luftfahrt, Autor/in: Schmitt, Günter; Co-Autor/in: Schwipps, Werner, Sign.: LGU 18
Pioneer Otto Lilienthal, Autor/in: Kightly, James, Sign.: ZL 37
Flugzeuge. Der Traum vom Fliegen, Autor/in: Kaluza, Martin, Sign.: LGU 65