Flugboot mit Kolbenmotoren
Riesenflugboot für Trans-Ozeanverkehr Dornier Do-X, Immatrikulation D-1929
1973, Vorbild: 1929Description
Riesenflugboot für Trans-Ozeanverkehr Dornier Do-X, Immatrikulation D-1929 Vorbild: Spannweite: 48 m, Länge: 40.05 m, Höhe: 10.10 m, Fluggewicht: 48 t, Reisegeschwindigkeit: ca.175 km/h, Reichweite: ca. 2800 km, Erstflug: 13.07.1929, Passagiere: 70 Personen, Bauweise: abgestrebter Schulterdecker in Leichtmetall und Stoff.Signature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Beschriftung: "Dornier", "Do-X", "D-1929"Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Herkunftsland/Herkunftsort: Deutschland, Friedrichshafen, Bodensee, VorbildMaterial / Technique
Holz, Metall, KunststoffInventory number
On the way to becoming a means of transport
The Jumbo of the 1930’s
The Dornier Do-X was the largest aircraft in the world and the epitome of technical progress. This becomes clear in a comparison with contemporary aircraft such as the Fokker F-VIIa or the Italian Savoia-Marchetti S-55 twin-hulled flying boat. Built in Altenrhein (Canton of St. Gallen) the Do-X was designed to carry around 70 passengers. On a test flight, it even carried 169 passengers. As a part of its numerous demonstration flights over Europe, South and North America, the Do-X even touched down on Lake Zurich in 1932. Although it was land based aircraft that later helped to make the break-through in transoceanic aviation, the construction and use of this giant flying boat represented a pioneering achievement of the highest order.
Technical data
Main colour
grauTop speed [km/h]
• Propeller engine aircraft
Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen im gesamten Fahrzeugbau, Autor/in: Koenig, M., Sign.: G Bro 22
Eine Luftfahrtlegende soll wieder auferstehen (<Nachbau der Do-X), Autor/in: Bumbacher, Beat, Sign.: ZL 2
Legende im neuen Licht. (<100. Jahrestag des Flugschiff DO X), Autor/in: Bumbacher, Beat, Sign.: ZL 5