Jagdflugzeug Dewoitine D 26, Immatrikulation HB-RAE, U-288
Schweizer Luftwaffe (Schweizerische Fliegertruppe, Militärflugwesen) (1914), Betreiber/in oder Benutzer/in, archivalisch belegt
Curtiss-Wright Corporation (1929), Hersteller/in Motor, vermutlich
Dewoitine (Société aéronautique française avions Dewoitine, Devoitine) (1920 - 1927), Hersteller/in, archivalisch belegt
Jagdflugzeug Dewoitine D 26, Immatrikulation HB-RAE, U-288: Flügelfläche 17.55 m2 - Motor: Wright 9 Qa - Flugdauer: 3 Stunden - Mindestgeschwindigkeit: 80 km/h - Dienstgipfelhöhe: 7500 m ü. M. - Jungfernflug: 1931 - Anzahl gebaute Flugzeuge: 11Signature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Signatur: "U-288"Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Material / Technique
Metall, Holz, KunststoffDimensions
672 x 1030 x 278 cm 763 kg maximales Startgewicht: 1068 kgInventory number
Dewoitine D-26
Swiss Construction – Made by a Frenchman
After the First Wolrd War, Swiss military aircraft production found itself in a crisis. The Federal Goverment decided to call upon foreign know-how and give up the Swiss projects that showed little sign of being successful. Instead, the French Dewoitine construction team was contracted to design a "made to measure" fighter-plane for Switzerland, to be built in the Federal Aircraft Factory in Thun.
The first prototype of the D-27 – so the plane was called – started on its maiden flight in 1928. On the 4th June 1930 Parliament approved the credit for the purchase of 40 machines. At the same time 11 D-26 were ordered; this machine was a slightly less powerful version (184 kW/250 H.P. instead of 368 kW/500 H.P.) and was intended to be used for training purposes. From 1931 until 1948 these 'planes served in the Air Force and for many years afterwards were useful as glider-tows.
Technical data
Main colour
grauNumber of crew
1Number of passengers
0Top speed [km/h]
240Type of propulsion
Kolbenverbrennungsmotor (Benzin)Engine design
SternPower [kW]
• Propeller engine aircraft
Die Militärflugzeuge der Schweiz von 1914 bis heute, Autor/in: Hostettler, Ernst, S., Abb.: S. 28-39, Sign.: LGU 3
Flugzeuge im Verkehrshaus, Autor/in: Bock, Claus; Co-Autor/in: Moser, Sepp, Sign.: L.R 185; HLU 1
Svicarski prometni muzej [Artikel über die Halle Schienenverkehr, Luft-/Raumfahrt im Verkehrshaus der Schweiz], Autor/in: Sorc, Ervin, S., Abb.: S. 18, Sign.: H Bro 10
Interview mit Paul Misteli, Dewoitine D.26-Pilot.<<Eine kapriziöse Dame>>, Autor/in: Bürgi, Hansjörg, Sign.: ZL 223