Triebwerk Rolls-Royce RZ2, der ersten Stufe der ELDO-Europa II-Trägerrakete
Triebwerk Rolls-Royce RZ2, der ersten Stufe der ELDO-Europa II-Trägerrakete - Während seiner Brenndauer von 3 Minuten verbraucht das Triebwerk insgesamt 16698 Liter Kerosin. - Bedeutung: Stellt neue Generation von Raketentriebwerken für Betrieb mit flüssigem Sauerstoff und Kerosin dar. Diese Typen wurden von Rocketdyne (USA) konstruiert und von Rolls-Royce weiterentwickelt (1962).Signature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Beschriftung: "B Pack" (auf Gestell)Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Material / Technique
182 x 194 x 361 cm 750 kgInventory number
Rolls-Royce RZ2 Rocket Engine, GB 1962
First Stage of a Launch Vehicle
The RZ2 rocket engine from Rolls-Royce is a engine for liquid oxygen and kerosene. It is a further development of its predecessor RZ1, which in turn was based on an American engine of the type Rocketdyne S-3D. In the 1960s, it was planned to use the RZ2 to power the British military medium-range ballistic missile Blue Streak, though this never made it to the troops.
Instead, two RZ2 engines were used as the first of four stages in the 31.7 m high Europa 2 launch vehicle that had been developed by the ELDO (European Launcher Deve¬lopment Organisation) to make Europe independent of the USA. However, the first and only launch of a Europa 2 on 5 November 1971 in French-Guyana misfired.
A different first stage was planned for the follow-up project Europa 3, which later formed the basis for ESA’s Ariane 1, and the development of the RZ2 was stopped.
Technical data
Main colour
grau / blauType of propulsion
• Engines and drives