Elektrischer Dreiseitenkipper, Typ PK 1054, der NEFAG, für Tiefbauamt Adliswil
Elektrischer Dreiseitenkipper, Typ PK 1054, der NEFAG, für Tiefbauamt Adliswil (Gemeindegärtnerei/Friedhof) - Technische Zeichnung Nr.: 31430, Motor Nr.: 2447 - Nutzlast: 750 kg, Zugvermögen 2000 kg - Steigfähigkeit 14% - Ladespannung 40-60W - Batterien 20 x 280 Ah - Achsstand: 1400mmObject type
Object (three-dimensional)Dimensions
1420 kg 320 x 118.5 x 140 cmInventory number
NEFAG three-way electric tipper PK 1054
Switzerland 1964
Open question
In 1898, Johann Albert Tribelhorn founds the mechanical workshops "A. Tribelhorn & Cie AG". The first electric vehicle, a passenger car with front drive, leaves the workshops in 1902. Soon after, passenger vehicles, HGVs and delivery vans are produced. Which form of engine – electric or petrol – will assert itself is still a completely open question.
From Tribelhorn to the NEFAG
In 1912, 28 charging stations are available in the whole of Switzerland; 120 vehicles of all types are in circulation, a respectable proportion of the total vehicle population on the roads at the time. !n 1919, Tribelhorn is bought up by the "Elektrische Fahrzeuge AG" in Oerlikon. In 1937, another change of ownership takes place; now the company is called "Neue Elektrische Fahrzeuge AG NEFAG".
The combustion engine wins the day
Meanwhile, in most vehicle categories, the combustion engine has become established. However, small utility vehicles, service vehicles for the postal service, workshop and industrial vehicles still set their stakes on the noiseless and clean electric engine.
Technical data
Main colour
grauNumber of crew
1Number of passengers
0Tons deadweight [t/tdw]
0.750Range [km]
30Top speed [km/h]
11Type of propulsion
Elektromotor (Gleichstrom)Engine design
GleichstromPower [kW]
2.5Voltage [V]
• Commercial vehicles
• Electric cars
Grosse Hoffnung, leere Batterien: Die Anfänge des Elektromobils. inkl. NZZ Swiss made: Gestatten: Mathilde, Tribelhorn Mathilde. Bonustrack: Strassenverkehr Verkehrshaus der Schweiz, Autor/in: Widmer, Kurt, Sign.: DVD S 7:1 sowie DVD S 7:2
Objektkatalog <Unter Strom>, 1895 - die E-Bikes kommen!, Auf Einsatz unter Strom, Chemie macht Strom - oder wenn es doch so einfach wäre mit der Batterie..., Schweizer Pioniere der Elektromobilität, Vom Stromer zum Benziner zum Stromer, ..., The Making of, Autor/in: Starck, Niklaus, Sign.: SFW 20