Verkaufswagen-Mantel der Migros
ab 1925Persons
Berufsmantel, Grösse 38/40, ungefüttert, mit 3 TaschenObject type
Object (three-dimensional)Material / Technique
Baumwolle, grobe LeineDimensions
118 x 45 cm AchselbreiteInventory number
Work coat worn by the crew of the Migros Ford TT sales van
Switzerland 1925
Initially in pairs
On 25 August 1925, 5 small Ford TT trucks set out on the first Migros sales round in the city of Zurich. Each vehicle carried a two-man crew. The driver was given 100 francs in cash to use as change. The range was made up of just six items: sugar, pasta, coffee, rice, soap and coconut oil.
Economy measures
From 1 February 1926, the drivers were sent out alone on their rounds. The daily routine of their 57-hour working week included replenishing the goods (by now there are 18 items in the range), driving to the some 300 stopping points, serving the customers and taking the money.
Round prices for odd quantities
In order to make it easier for the very busy drivers to give out change, Migros founder Gottlieb Duttweiler soon gave instructions to price all goods in round numbers. Because the margins were very narrow, customers received odd weights as a result.
Technical data
Main colour
• Uniforms, clothing
Das Verkaufswagen-System im Lebensmittel-Kleinhandel. Vortrag von G. Duttweiler, Zürich, Geschäftsführer der Migros AG, Zürich, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 22. Januar 1926 der Statistisch-volkswirtschaftlichen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, Autor/in: Duttweiler, Gottlieb, Sign.: S Bro 133