Gondel mit Gehänge und zwei Seilklemmen, der Emmetten-Stockhütte Umlaufbahn, von Müller Gerhard Maschinenbau AG, Nr. 37
1968, in Betrieb bis 2007Persons
Gondel mit Gehänge und zwei Seilklemmen, der Emmetten-Stockhütte Umlaufbahn, von Müller Gerhard Maschinenbau AG. Gesamtanlage: Anlage: GMD Müller Gerhard Maschinenbau Seilklemmen: GMD Müller Gerhard Maschinenbau Gondeln: CWA Carrosseriewerke Aarburg AG Betriebslänge: 1565 m Höhe Talstation: 778 m ü. M. Höhe Bergstation: 1286 m ü. M. Höhendifferenz: 508 m Grösste Neigung: 90 Prozent Anzahl Stützen : 11 Förderseildurchmesser: 29 mm Spurweite: 4 m Anzahl Kabinen: 37/40 à 4 Pers. Fahrzeugabstand: 100 m Förderleistung: 640 Pers./h Fahrzeit: 8,5 min Geschwindigkeit: 3 m/sSignature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Beschriftung: "e", Nr. "37"Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Territorium: Emmetten - Stockhütte (Klewenalp, Beckenried)Material / Technique
Kabine 155 x 115 x 175 cm mit Gehänge 155 x 115 x 340 cmInventory number
Emmetten–Stockhütte (Emmetten–Klewenalp), 1968-2007
GMD screw clamps
The abbreviation GMD stands for "Gerhard Müller Dietlikon". Müller began producing cableways in 1947. In 1950 he produced an automatic cableway featuring his unique GMD screw clamps. In 1954 he took out a patent for a double clamp version, an innovation that signalled the start of his success. For his friend Gerhard Müller, commercial vehicle builder Anton Frech fabricated this, his first type of cableway cabin, thus heralding the CWA (Carrosseriewerke Aarburg) success story; CWA now supplies the world's markets as part of the Doppelmayr-Garaventa Group.
Until around 1970 his GMD screw clamp became the most deployed cable gripping system in the world; more than 20 gondola cableways used it in Switzerland alone, not counting two- and three-seater chairlifts. Girak in Kroneuburg acquired the GMD patent for Austria. Gerhard Müller, like Willy Habegger from Thun, ranked amongst the great inventors in the field of cableways, which, in Switzerland, featured a great many manufacturers.
The Emmetten-Stockhütte cableway, built in 1968, was the last of its kind and historically unique in terms of its completeness and original condition. Safety as well as commercial considerations led to its decommissioning in 2007.
Technical data
Main colour
metallgrauNumber of passengers
• Running gear, clips
• Cable railways
Im Land der 100 Bahnen, Autor/in: Flüeler-Martinez, Josef, S., Abb.: S. 249-250, Sign.: FSB 7
75 Jahre CWA, Sign.: FSB 25