Sessel der fix geklemmte Einersesselbahn Sedrun-Cugnieri
1956 - 2005Persons
Sessel der fix geklemmte Einersesselbahn Sedrun - Cugnieri Technische Angaben zur Sesselbahn: Anlage gebaut durch GMD, Gerhard Müller Maschinenbau AG Seilklemmen: festklemmend Betriebslänge: 1102 m Höhe Talstation: 1454 m ü. M. Höhe Bergstation: 1840 m ü. M. Höhendifferenz: 386 m Grösste Neigung: 47,5 Prozent Anzahl Stützen: 9 Grösstes Spannfeld: 221 m Förderseildurchmesser: 22 mm Anzahl Sessel: 55 à 1 Pers. Förderleistung: 180 Pers./h Geschwindigkeit: 1,5 m/sObject type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Territorium: Sedrun - Cungieri, Gemeinde TujetschMaterial / Technique
Metall, HolzDimensions
20 kgInventory number
Single-seater Sedrun–Cungieri, 1956–2005
The fixed-grip single-seater chairlift was used where visitor numbers were expected to remain modest, and for combined ski/chair lifts. The latter involved, for instance, equipping an existing ski lift with single chairs for use in summer. Combined lifts of this nature were to be found at the Joch Pass in Engelberg, on Alp Languard near Pontresina, on the Fronalpstock in Stoos, and on Alp Sellamatt in the Toggenburg.
Pure single-seater chairlifts were a rarity in Switzerland compared, for example, to Austria. The Brändle, Müller and Habegger companies built barely more than a dozen such installations. The cost of supplying and installing the Sedrun–Cungieri chairlift in 1956 and erecting the little restaurant at the top was put at CHF 235,000. As the last remaining publicly accessible installation of its kind, by the time it closed in 2005 the Sedrun single-seater chairlift had become an attraction as a vintage cableway.
Technical data
Main colour
metallgrau, rotNumber of passengers
• Chair lifts