Elektromotorrad, Elektromobil
Dreirädriger Piaggio Ape, umgebaut zu Solar Tuk Tuk (Elektromobil)
Dreirädriger Piaggio Ape, umgebaut zu Solar Tuk Tuk (Elektromobil). Technische Daten: Akku: 9 kWh, Batterieleistung: 150 Ah, Leistung Solarpanel: 600 W, Steigfähigkeit: 12%Signature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Beschriftung: “Telangana / Tourism”, “www.SolarTukTuck.com“, „Tejas India to UK / 0 Emission Journey / f [Facebook] Porject Tejas”Object type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Territorium: Indien bis GrossbritannienMaterial / Technique
Metall, KunststoffDimensions
800 kg 300 x 150 x 210 cmInventory number
DIY solar power for a Piaggio Ape, India 2015
Mobility of tomorrow
Inspired by solar initiatives around the world, a young Indian engineer, Naveen Rabelli, is also helping to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility. He created a solar tuktuk by equipping an old diesel-powered Piaggio Ape with an electric motor, a lithium-ion battery, a built-in charger and solar panels.
Naveen Rabelli drove his solar-powered vehicle through 12 countries to reach the UK. During the 3,500 kilometres of the trip actually covered by solar power, he saved more than 800 litres of fossil fuels. Thanks to his low-carbon adventure across two continents and his public relations work in support of a sustainable lifestyle – he visited numerous schools on the way – he is seen as an ambassador for sustainability and renewable energies.
Technical data
Main colour
rotNumber of crew
1Range [km]
80Top speed [km/h]
60Type of propulsion
Elektromotor (Solar)Power [kW]
10Voltage [V]
• Electric cars
• Tricycles, Quads
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