Trajektschiff auf See
Trajektschiff Rorschach, der SBB, auf dem Bodensee, beladen mit Eisenbahn-Güterwagen
1948 - 1976Persons
Fotoabzug, schwarzweiss. Trajektschiff Rorschach, der SBB, auf dem Bodensee, beladen mit Eisenbahn-Güterwagen.Signature / Inscription
Signatur / Beschriftung: Signatur: "Schweizerische Bundesbahnen", "Rorschach", Rückseite: handschriftlich "Bodensee", "5237/11", Stempel "Schweizerische Bundesbahnen / Generalsekretariat, Photodienst / Bern / Hochschulstrasse 6" sowie "Verkehrshaus der Schweiz / Luzern / Archiv"Object type
Original photosGeography
Territorium: BodenseeMaterial / Technique
Fotoabzug, schwarzweissDimensions
15.5 x 22 cmInventory number
Copyright: SBB, Generalsekretariat, Photodienst, Bern Fotonachweis: Verkehrshaus der Schweiz, LuzernLegend
Train ferries
Train ferries constitute a special category of ferry. Faced with a lake without a corresponding railway link, the freight had to be offloaded onto boats and then loaded back again onto railway wagons on the other side. Train ferries saved a great deal of time, as it was no longer necessary to transfer goods from the railway to the boat and back again. Their decks were equipped with rails, which enabled them to transport entire railway wagons directly to the opposite shore. Train ferries operated on a number of Swiss lakes. From 1873 to 1893, train-bearing propeller-driven steamers on Lake Thun provided a link between an isolated railway line near Interlaken and the Bern line near Thun. 1890 saw the arrival of ferries equipped with standard and narrow gauge tracks on Lake Lucerne. Train ferries played a special role on Lake Constance, where a link was provided between Lindau and Romanshorn as early as 1869. Due to its enormous appetite for coal, the paddle steamer built by the Swiss Escher, Wyss & Cie company was popularly known as the “Kohlenfresser” (“coal gobbler”). From the 1920s propeller-driven ferries transported both trains and motor vehicles. The improved access provided to the Lake Constance region by railway lines reduced the need for lake-crossing ferries bearing trains. The train ferry link between Romanshorn and Friedrichshafen survived until 1976. The two ferries Rorschach and Romanshorn were then converted into vehicle-only transporters.
• Inland lake navigation
Bahn Saga Schweiz [Bahn-Saga; Bahnsaga]. 150 Jahre Schweizer Bahnen, Sign.: EGU 5:1
Schweizer Schiffahrt = Navigation suisse = Navigazione svizzera, Autor/in: Räber, Anton, Sign.: WTB 4
Wasser, Strasse, Schiene, Luft. Mobilität am Bodensee 1811 - 2011, Sign.: GMO 10
150 Jahre Trajektfähre. Güterwagen zwischen Romanshorn und Friedrichshafen, Autor/in: Nef, Werner, Sign.: ZE 59
Fähren in der Schweiz = Les ferrys en Suisse, Autor/in: Rickenbacher, Jean-Luc, Sign.: ZH 2