Kernreaktor / Atomreaktor
Steuereinheit und Bedienpult Forschungsreaktor AGN-211-P Physikalisches Institut Universität Basel
Steuereinheit und Bedienpult Forschungsreaktor AGN-211-P in einer fahrbaren Vitrine: Reaktortyp: Offener Swimmingpoolreaktor Brennstoff: ca. 1,974 kg UAlx (hoch angereichertes Uran) Steuerstäbe: 4 (je 1 Grobregelstab und 1 Sicherheitsstab aus Cadmium, 1 Feinregelstab aus rostfreiem Stahl und 1 Sicherheitsstab aus Boral) Max. Nennleistung: 2 kW Max. wöchentliche Beschränkung: 30 kWh Neutronenfluss: 4·1010 n/(cm²s) Moderator: LeichtwasserObject type
Object (three-dimensional)Geography
Territorium: BaselDimensions
125 x 76 x 190 cmInventory number
AGN-211-P research reactor
In 1958, the reactor served as a showpiece of nuclear energy at the World’s Fair in Brussels (Expo 58), where it was exhibited beneath the Atomium structure. In the 1950s, nuclear energy was seen as advanced energy supply technology. In 1959, the University of Basel acquired the reactor and put it into operation in the former coal cellar of the Physics Institute. It was used to train more than 1,000 students and reactor operators in the handling of radioactivity. Cherenkov radiation, which appears as a blue glow, could be observed at the research reactor. It was shut down in 2013 and released from supervision by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Inspectorate (ENSI) in 2021. The original control unit for the control and regulating rods and the original operating panel are on display in the showcase.
Technical data
Main colour
• Energy
Das Objekt. Der Basler Forschungsreaktor = L'objet. Le réacteur de recherche bâlois, Autor/in: Rickenbacher, Jean-Luc, Sign.: ZH 2
Eine Reise durch Natur und Geschichte. Die Centovalli-Bahn = Un voyage dans la nature et l’histoire. Le chemin de fer des Centovalli, Autor/in: Rüttimann, Beatrice, Sign.: ZH 2