History of Aviation
Taylor, John W.R. Munson, KennethPlace
London, New English LibraryYear
LGU 20Systematics
• Vehicles
• Personalities
References to persons
James Harold Doolittle (1896 - 1993)
Orville Wright (1871 - 1948)
Wilbur Wright (1867 - 1912)
Ernst (Heinrich) Heinkel (1888 - 1958)
Anthony Hermann Gerard Fokker (1890 - 1939)
Henri Fabre (1882 - 1984)
Geoffrey De Havilland
Alberto Santos-Dumont (1873 - 1932)
Sir Charles Edward Kingsford Smith (1897 - 1935)
Zygmunt Pulawski (1901)
Barnes Wallis