Science Museum, London
Herausgeber: Aeronautics. Heavier - Than - Air Aircraft. Historical Survey [Heavier than air aircraft], Autor/in: Davy, M.J.B., Sign.: L.B 961:1
Herausgeber: Aeronautics. Heavier - Than - Air Aircraft. Aeronautics. Catalogue of Exhibits with Descriptive Notes.[Heavier than air aircraft], Autor/in: Davy, M.J.B., Sign.: L.B 961:2
wird erwähnt: British Aviation Museums, Autor/in: Ogden, Bob, S., Abb.: S. 67, Sign.: LFZ 43
Herausgeber: The History and Development of Cycles, as illustrated by the collection of cycles in the Science Museum. Historical Survey, Autor/in: Caunter, C. F, Sign.: SFR 49:1
Herausgeber: Handbook of the Collection illustrating cycles. Catalogue of exhibits with descriptive notes, Autor/in: Caunter, C. F, Sign.: SFR 49:2