William Brockedon
1787 - 1854Fonction
Autor, Illustrationen von: Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland and Germany, Autor/in: Brockedon, William, Sign.: F.R 110.1e (Rara -> Infodesk)
Autor, Illustrationen von: Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany, Autor/in: Brockedon, William, Sign.: F.R 110.2e (Rara -> Infodesk)
Autor, Illustrationen von: Illustrations of the Passes of The Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland and Germany, Autor/in: Brockedon, William, Sign.: G.R 038e
wird erwähnt: William Brockedon, un illustrateur des cols alpin au temps de la Restauration, Autor/in: Vaj, Daniela, Sign.: ZS 95
wird erwähnt: William Brockedon. Ein Engländer sucht die Spuren Hannibals, Autor/in: Aerni, Klaus, Sign.: ZS 95
wird erwähnt: Reiseführer Schweiz = Guide Suisse, Autor/in: Kappeler, Martina, Sign.: ZH 2