Smithsonian Institution
Mutterfirma von: National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution
Mutterfirma von: National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution
Herausgeber: Smithsonian Year. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year, Sign.: ZM 56
Herausgeber: Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year, Sign.: ZM 56
Herausgeber: Author-Subject Index to Articles in Smithsonian Annual Reports 1849 - 1961 [Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year], Autor/in: Stemple, Ruth M., Sign.: ZM 56
Herausgeber: The Papers of Robert H. Goddard. Volume One: 1898 - 1924, Sign.: RPE 5:1
Herausgeber: The Papers of Robert H. Goddard. Volume Two: 1925 - 1937, Sign.: RPE 5:2
Herausgeber: The Papers of Robert H. Goddard. Volume Three: 1938 - 1945 [inkl. Kurzbiographie], Sign.: RPE 5:3
Herausgeber: The Winton M. Blount Postal History Symposia. Select Papers from the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Symposia, Sign.: GAU 5:2020
Herausgeber: Exhibiting America. The Smithsonian's National History Museum, 1881 - 2018, Autor/in: Allison, David K.; Co-Autor/in: Peterson, Hannah, Sign.: MAU 44
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